SME Solution Expo 2016

SME expoFor many, the challenges of running a business can be daunting. And help may not be forthcoming. The economy is going through a tail-spin. And the global market seems more elusive by the day.

At SME Solutions Expo 2016, we help you find ways to take care of your business, grow it, and if you so desire, develop an exit strategy for you and your business. This is the only trade show of its kind with the SME entrepreneur in mind.

The SME Solutions Expo 2016 is a trade-show established specifically for the interest of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), allowing both exhibitors and visitors alike to forge new business opportunities. Serving as a platform for networking and product showcasing, the event aims to give existing SMEs a higher market presence in today’s competitive economy.

SMEs make up to 99% of all businesses in ASEAN and are key employers, contributing over one-third of the GDP. The importance of this sector is highlighted by the establishment of cabinet-level and departmental-level government agencies to promote the development of SMEs in all major ASEAN economies.

The SME Solutions Expo has previously enjoyed over 100 booths participating from 8 different countries. Attendance saw over 7,000 visitors over a span of 3 days, an inclining track record over the past 7 years. The event does not discriminate any industries.

Event Date: 29-30 September 2016

Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

Organiser: AIC Media and Events Group


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