She’s The BOSS

Event Date: 11-12 February 2017

“SHE’S THE BOSS: WOMEN IN BUSINESS BAZAAR” aims to bring together Women’s Businesses under one roof, showcasing their products & services.

Over the next two days, entrepreneurial Women & Mothers that operates their businesses online, in kiosks or pop up stores are able to promote, create more awareness and get connected to existing, potential customers and even business partners.

We are open to business operators that are not women as well, however products & services must be able to cater to the women/family market.

Our objective is to promote entrepreneurship among women & link them to essential know-hows via our sharing & networking sessions with various business experts and speakers.

Target market will mostly be women with a good mixture of men/family as the mall is usually popular for those with families over the weekend.

Event Date: 11-12 February 2017

Venue: Mid Valley Exhibition Centre

Organiser: Stellarworks Sdn Bhd (03-2096 9618)

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