Selangor Smart City 2018

Event Date: 13-15 September 2018

The Selangor Smart City & Digital Economy Convention 2018 is Asia’s answer to a major Smart City summit featuring the best in the field. Globally-respected intellectuals, mayors, and leaders driving the digital growth of nations around the world will convene to tackle hot topics within digital economies such as Smart Cities, Smart Technologies, IoT, Big Data, Industrial Revolution 4.0, New Retail, and more.Experience a plethora of fresh insights, an avenue for talent scouting, and investment & funding opportunities. Connect with startups, entrepreneurs, techies, industry experts, SMEs, corporations, GLCs, government agencies and more!

Featuring Four Core Elements

Smart Manufacturing
What’s driving IR 4.0? Explore key opportunities and threats, case studies, and learn how businesses will be affected by Smart Manufacturing, IoT and more, at the Smart City Conference.

National Mayor Roundtable
It is where the embodiment of collective efforts and collaborations truly illuminate through the exchange of insights and ideas among international & local mayors, Head of States in Malaysia

Retail Revolution
Learn the secrets of successful cross-border sellers and find out what’s revolutionizing the retail scene in the region with our Southeast Asia E-Commerce Conference

Startup Fest
It’s a step up this year as we go international – experience a demo day by top local startups and watch our 50+ accelerated startups pitch and battle it out on stage live!

Event Date: 13-15 September 2018


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