The world of investment consists of extensive range of opportunities. Nonetheless, individual always finds difficulties in accessing and appreciating the benefits of such opportunities that would lead them into achieving financial freedom. This year’s Invest Fair aims to serve as the locomotive of investment knowledge, bridging the gap between investment services providers and individual investors as well as delivering visitors to the ultimate destinations of their investment journey.
Free Admission
It’s free admission, you can bring along your family and friend.
Spend, Spin and Win
Visitors would have chances to win the prizes if they spend during InvestFair.
Visitors to Invest Fair 2017 stand the chances to get to buy their desired products at huge discounted price.
Daily Cash Rewards
Two daily cash prizes draw to be conducted at end of each fair’s day.
More information: please visit:
Event Date: 26-27 August 2017
Venue: Mid Valley Exhibition Centre (MVEC)