Event Date: 13-15 January 2017
Carnival themed “Utamakan Keperluan Kewangan Anda” is intended to inform and educate the public on financial matters including existing services that can help individuals and businesses manage their financial situation more effectively.
Fiesta Kewangan will give the public a unique opportunity to obtain information in relation to financial products and services, conducting financial transactions, identify initiatives and new opportunities in business and financial management as well as make inquiries or seek the advice – all in one place with more than 100 financial service providers , association and agency will offer a range of financial products and services for different needs.
Carnival visitors will also be entertained with a variety of popular celebrities and performances, souvenirs and prizes, as well as interactive activities for young and old that aims to engage and inform the public. Highlights included a speech competition between university and college students, pocket talk, games and quizzes with celebrities.
Service and Financial Advice
– Opening a bank account
– Applied for a loan
– Learn about investment products offered
– Get insurance / takaful
– Complaints related financial institutions
– Online banking
– Apply for payment cards
– Check credit report (CCRIS)
– Learn about financial management
Event Date: 13-15 January 2017
Venue: Putra World Trade Centre
Orgainser: Bank Negera Malaysia