International Materials Technology Confernece & Exhibition (IMTCE)

Event Date: 16-19 May 2016

IMTCEInternational Materials Technology Confernece & Exhibition (IMTCE) – will provide a platform to academicians and industrialists to showcase their knowledge and expertise in the area of “Design, Research & Inventions” in these progressions of technology:-

Current Technologies – Performance of materials, facilities and assets
New Technologies – trials & tribulation encountered
Future Evolution – research & Inventions for the future

The collaboration of industrial practitioners and academic researchers have led to the development of new sustainable innovative products and services in the oil & gas, marine, power, petrochemical, chemical, water resources, transportation, construction, automotive, equipment manufacturing, electrical & electronics, agriculture, food & beverage processing, and furniture industries.

IMTCE2016 covers both economic issues and technical aspects on materials science, engineering and technology, ultimately affecting all industries globally. It intends to highlight the requirements, challenges, and uncertainties in 2016 and beyond for the sustainability of facilities, equipment, and assets through design, research and inventions of better materials, better products and better services..

The objectives of the conference are to:
Provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge and expertise among industrial practitioners, industry’s professionals and higher learning institutions.

Provide a forum or discussion and exchange of views on the opportunities that arises in the challenging material processing and applications through collaborations between industry and academia.


Event Date: 16-19 May 2016

Venue : Putra World Trade Centre

Organiser: Institute of Materials, Malaysia (IMM) – +603-5882-3574

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